Online PR Services

We provide a wide range of Services

Back in the day, PR experts worked with TV stations, newspapers, radio stations, and magazines to push their campaigns. They would host press conferences, sponsor events and advertise on billboards for maximum coverage.

In this age of the Internet, PR has evolved tremendously. Public Relations experts work with influencers, bloggers, and YouTube channels. They measure results through backlinks, views, referrals, and sales.But how effective is online PR?

Benefits of Online PR Services

Many business owners know they can’t rely on one marketing approach. They need to combine PPC advertising with email marketing, social media, and SEO for best results. What’s more, they can also use online PR because of these advantages:

• Establishing Your Brand

Over the years, Google has becomeguilty of favoring big brands in its rankings. That means you also need to establish your brand as a trusted authority. Online PR services can help you earn brand mentions on social media and trusted websites, thereby, attracting the attention of search engines.

• Building a Positive Reputation

Many online shoppers research around to learn more about your website before they make a buying decision. They could read reviews on sites like Trust Pilot and Trip Advisor. Or they can find stories about news websites.

Online PR services build your brand’s reputation by sharing positive stories about your company. This way, most search results related to your site will be about the good things your brand does, which can result in improved sales in the long haul.

• Social Proof

Social proof is evidence that you’re a trusted brand. Think of positive reviews or mentions on CNN, the New York Times, and the BBC. A good PR campaign can help you earn mentions and links from famous websites. And in doing so, it can create the proof most people look for before doing business online.

Best Online PR Services

There are many ways to roll out a PR campaign. But these are the most effective strategies for online PR:

1. Press Releases

Press Releases have been around since the beginning of media. Sadly, it’s often misused. A good PR needs to have interesting, informative, newsworthy content. Most journalists use press releases only if they have newsworthy information.

2. Reviews

Ever heard of the buyer’s journey? It’s the steps buyers make before they buy a product online. First, they search for the product, read its reviews, potential problems, and solutions.

As a business owner, you can publish posts reviewing your products on your blog and other people’s websites. You can highlight crucial benefits, facts, and solutions to potential problems.

3. Get Covered by Journalists

For the most part, online PR is about getting people to talk about your or your brand. This can be in the form of a quote or interview.

4. Share Stories and Events

Storytelling is a powerful form of marketing. A PR company can help share your stories with journalists and webmasters, which can expose your brand and earn you customers.

Let’s Do a Project Together

Wondering how to run a successful online PR campaign? Talk to us. Here at Nettnord, our goal is to position online businesses as top players in their niches through proven online marketing strategies. This includes online PR, whether in the form of press releases, influencer marketing, or partnering with journalists.

Unlock Your Growth Potential with Nettnord

Here at Nettnord, we are all about helping online businesses reach a larger audience and improve sales through their websites, social media accounts, and email newsletters. We believe our digital marketing strategies can make a difference in your business. So, contact us, and let’s help you unlock your business’s growth potential.